Upon admittance to any Gordon College graduate course, I agree to comply with the behavior standards of Gordon while on its campus or at any other class site, and respect the underlying assumptions and principles on which they are based.
I have read Gordon College's Registration, Withdrawal, and Refund Policy, and I agree to comply with its stipulations as per the academic catalog (catalog.gordon.edu).
I understand that my academic records and future registration are subject to a financial hold should I have an unpaid balance due to Gordon College.
If my student account becomes delinquent after separating from the College (www.gordon.edu/noncurrent), my account is subject to a monthly interest rate of 1.25% and may be placed into collections with an outside agency or litigation, at which point I will be responsible for all collection and/or legal fees incurred in securing the funds.
If I should have a credit balance on my student account, I authorize Gordon College to hold that credit until I request a refund.
I understand that electronic notices may be sent to my emails as listed above and are considered official written communications from the SFS office.
I understand that I am responsible for updating the SFS office if any demographic (name/address/email) changes.